Zantac Possible Cause of Birth Defects or Cancer

Zantac Possible Cause of Birth Defects or Cancer

The list of medications that you can take when you are pregnant is short. Over the years, however, Zantac has been listed as one of the few that you can take. This has always been thought of as a "good thing", as many expectant mothers suffer from intense heartburn during their pregnancy. In fact, Zantac has long been labeled as a Category B drug by the FDA, meaning that it is supposed to be safe for a developing fetus. Recent studies by the FDA are finding increasing evidence that this may not be true.

If you took Zantac, for any reason, while you were pregnant, your child may develop a birth defect or even cancer. Recent research has shown that ranitidine-based medications can potentially cause birth defects in unborn children, and infants who take these medications may potentially develop cancer.

If your child has developed birth defects or you have developed cancer as a result of your taking Zantac while you were pregnant, you may have the right to seek compensation. You need an experienced and compassionate complex Zantac legal team at Wocl Leydon to help you determine your options and fight for the settlement you deserve.

The Zantac Recall

On April 1, 2020, the FDA issued a market-level recall request for Zantac. This recall is for both prescriptions as well as over-the-counter (OTC) versions of the drug. If you have questions about any medications you may have taken, take your medication to your pharmacist and ask them to explain what drugs are contained in the medications. If ranitidine is included in the list, you should seek advice from the dangerous drug attorneys at Wocl Leydon.

The current FDA research has found that Zantac and the generic forms of Zantac containing ranitidine, break down into a known carcinogen called NDMA (n-nitroso dimethylamine) while it is in the packaging. In addition, research has also found that Zantac may also break down into NDMA while in the body.

Therefore, prolonged usage of Zantac or ranitidine may expose a person to high levels of NDMA which may in turn cause cancer in pregnant women and birth defects in their unborn children. In addition, it is also possible that those children may develop cancer from prolonged Zantac use.

Possible Birth Defects Allegedly Caused by Zantac

There are many types of birth defects that may be linked to prolonged usage of Zantac or ranitidine while pregnant. Below is a list of birth defects linked to NDMA exposure in humans (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • cleft palate
  • heart murmurs
  • postnatal cancer

Other birth defects that have been found in mice exposed to NDMA, include:

  • stillbirths
  • neonatal deaths

If your pregnancy resulted in a birth defect after taking Zantac or ranitidine or you or your child developed cancer following prolonged Zantac or ranitidine usage, you may be able to seek compensation. It is important to read the following qualifying factors that will allow you to be eligible to seek that compensation.

Qualifying Factors to Seek Compensation in a Zantac Lawsuit

  • Minimum of 6 months use of Zantac or generic form (ranitidine) during pregnancy
  • Minimum of 300 mg/week of Zantac or ranitidine during 6 months of pregnancy
  • Occurrence of a birth defect; or
  • No more than 5 years after birth until the diagnosis of cancer

Contact a Zantac Attorney Today For Help

Contact Wocl Leydon If you or a loved one has experienced birth defects or postnatal cancer after taking Zantac or another ranitidine-based medication the experienced, compassionate, and knowledgeable dangerous drug attorneys Wocl Leydon will help you obtain the compensation you deserve.

If you have questions about your situation, we are here to listen and to help you determine your options.